"When the wine goes in, strange things come out." ~Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller, The Piccolomini, 1799

Saturday, July 31, 2010

The...Hmmm...Well, what should we call it?

If you live in Ontario, and have an affectation for peaches, then summer means one thing and one thing only to you: fresh Ontario Peaches. They are truly glorious pieces of fruit and even someone such as I who can think of several fruits I would prefer, has to admit that the smell and taste of a fresh Ontario peach is only slightly shy of ambrosia.

And so it came that I had a basket of these beauties on my counter when inspiration struck me. There may be a thousand variations on the beverage that came of this inspiration but, despite my thorough scouring of any martini list at each restaurant I happen to dine at whether I order an alcoholic beverage or not, I personally have never seen this ingredient list:

3 tablespoons peach puree
1 measure vodka
1 half measure Chambord liqueur
2 measures pineapple juice
Top with sparkling water

Peel and remove stone from fresh peach and puree;
Add to shaker with vodka, Chambord and pineapple juice, add ice;
Shake vigorously until well frosted;
Strain into martini glass, top with sparkling water;
Garnish with peach slice.

The result was exquisite. Summery, frothy, and with a slight fizz. Vodka and Chambord always play well together and combine beautifully with the scent and taste of fresh peach puree. When altering this mix to your own personal taste, I would recommend only playing with the amounts of vodka and pineapple juice, and giving from one to add to the other. Otherwise it will affect the froth and consistency of the final product. And while I am a huge fan of Chambord liqueur, increasing the amount will overpower the peach and muddle the flavour.

And so my guests and I, thoroughly impressed with the success of the experiment, stood in my kitchen savouring my triumph quietly, until someone said, "So, what'll you call it?" We knocked a few ideas around, but as yet, the peachy creation remains un-christened.

This being an infant blog, my readership is rather limited as yet, however, I feel confident that one of you will be the naming salvation of this martini. Comment with your name suggestion and help this newly born creation enter my martini list with it's proper handle.

Until next time,

Drink with Care, Friends.

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